Friday, February 02, 2007


I cannot believe this.

Just as I was hopefully searching for any chloe paddington sprees, I chance upon one, actually that is the only working one, but a close one. And i realise, it was organised by a friend of mine. Almost a year ago. At a price so cheap, I seriously don't mind paying, even at that point in time. Rahs.... Rahsss... Rahsss....

I cannot believe it that no one is organising any chloe sprees now. T.T

Prayerfully in a month's time, someone will do it. *Prays*


Chloe spree anyone? Perhaps, I can get the details of the supplier from her, and get a couple of like minded friends and wala. YES YES....

Now now.. I hope the borders "3for2" is still available. Chantel wants to buy books!


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